for all the girls

who have a man on the road

you are

like me

just another yoko

Tuesday, December 4, 2018

i'm not crying

hi from the past. i'm back and still not using capital letters. call me crazy but consistent.

it's been 7 years. which is a perfect number to be away from something. the seventh year is the year of jubilee, so here I am, jubil-ee-ee-eeing my way back to my favorite writing project, forcing the words to eek their way out of the cave of my brain.

reviewing my old posts has been a trippy little trip into the past. the kids were still kids then. bye, kids, hello adult people who I can't control. also, i'm the same. only not totally.

the reason i thought, "oh, hey, maybe I'll resurrect yoko" is that after many years, the long tours are back. which means that, essentially, so is yoko. but, really, do I have to answer to you about why? nope, how about i'm doing it cause i feel like it. that's the best reason for anything ever. no one can argue with that, and i'm a fairly big fan of not arguing most of the time. really, too, i couldn't stop  little yoko from rearing her not-always-pretty head back onto the page. she's beyond my control.

there has already been some touring lately, which is fine i guess. i mean, whatever. i'm not crying. i have my own plans. plans that involve being a little bit selfish finally. forcing the creator in me to emerge from my gut like an alien escaping from its host. it won't be pretty, but (for me) it will be powerful. also, probably painful if you want to continue to alliterate.

so this post, and the rest of my life, is dedicated to all the people who put everything on hold to take care of something else, something that was a labor of love but that stopped them from making the space to create, mostly because they were too tired. let's be done with that. shake the dust off and put on the working shoes. i'm not going anywhere but everywhere.

because, even though i've hitched myself for life to a traveling musician, i refuse to be, in any sense of any word (foreign or domestic), just another yoko.